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Aqualyx / Fat Dissolving

Aqualyx® is a gel-based fat-dissolving solution in which the active ingredient is sodium deoxycholate (deoxycholic acid), a slow-release sugar-based system. These are capable of dissolving stubborn subcutaneous fat, which is difficult to reduce despite diet and exercise.

It is being marketed for ‘Aqualysis’ or ‘Aquaplasty’ treatment as a means of body contouring. The technique was developed by a renowned aesthetic surgeon, the late Professor Motolese. Aqualyx® has been available internationally since 2009, and more than 2,000,000 vials have been used for patient treatments in 49 countries worldwide.

Aqualyx® injections are very effective and a non-invasive treatment option for face and body sculpting. It treats localised pockets of fat such as on the thighs, stomach, buttocks, chin and knee. It can also be used to treat pseudo-gynecomastia in men. Aqualyx® liquefies the fat cell, destroying it permanently, releasing the lipids that are then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system.

It takes 30–60 minutes per session, and multiple sessions are usually needed. If you prefer to avoid invasive surgery and cannot afford the downtime and discomfort of invasive procedure such as liposuction, this is an excellent treatment to consider to sculpt your body.

Aqualysis™ can be used in conjunction with an ultrasound device to assist in the dissipation of Aqualyx® throughout the localised fat cells.

Aqualyx Treatment for Double Chin
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The Procedure

Aqualyx® is a solution in which the active ingredient is sodium deoxycholate (deoxycholic acid), a slow-release sugar-based system. These are capable of dissolving stubborn subcutaneous fat, which is difficult to reduce despite diet and exercise.

It is being marketed for ‘Aqualysis’ or ‘Aquaplasty’ treatment as a means of body contouring. The technique was developed by a renowned aesthetic surgeon, the late Professor Motolese. Aqualyx® has been available internationally since 2009, and more than 2,000,000 vials have been used for patient treatments in 49 countries worldwide.

Aqualyx® injections are very effective and a non-invasive treatment option for face and body sculpting. It treats localised pockets of fat such as on the thighs, stomach, buttocks, chin and knee. It can also be used to treat pseudo-gynecomastia in men. Aqualyx® liquefies the fat cell, destroying it permanently, releasing the lipids that are then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system.

It takes 30–60 minutes per session, and multiple sessions are usually needed. If you prefer to avoid invasive surgery and cannot afford the downtime and discomfort of invasive procedure such as liposuction, this is an excellent treatment to consider to sculpt your body.

Risk and Complications

The treated area may be swollen, with some redness and possibly slight bruising that could last up to 24-72 hours. You can take over-the-counter painkillers but are advised not to take anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen as they will work against the treatment. Ice will also reduce side effects after the treatment.


Aqualyx® destroys the fat cells entirely, and hence, the fat can not be kept within the areas treated. However, if you gain weight, the fat may get stored in a different area(s) which haven’t been treated with Aqualyx. The results may be seen after 3 – 6 weeks of treatment and may continue up to 6 months or even later and reduction in fat deposits can usually be seen after just one treatment, although three to eight sessions are generally required to achieve optimum results. Specific results can vary between practitioners, as well as other factors such as patient age since this has an effect on the stability of the cell membranes; younger patients are more likely to maintain results for a longer period.

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