Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

The Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a non-surgical liquid facelift treatment to rejuvenate your skin using your own blood. The procedure helps to alleviate the wrinkles, puffiness around the eye, sagginess around the jawline, and elimination of any lines and folds. PRP therapy is also known as Vampire Facelift because the process begins by extracting a small amount of blood and growth factors derived via blood platelets from the patient's own body. The results from PRP therapy are natural-looking and can last up to one year.
How does PRP work?
Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP therapy involves a natural product derived from your own body. A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient’s body and placed in a centrifuge tube to separate the different components. Once separated, the platelet-rich plasma is isolated, and often mixed with other substances such as vitamins or Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers (such as Juvéderm or Restylane), and injected into specific areas of the skin to stimulate collagen production, increase blood supply, and trigger the generation of new skin in a safe and natural way creating a brighter, healthier and more vibrant appearance.
Am I a candidate for PRP therapy?
you have no serious skin conditions
you have mild to moderate signs of ageing
you have thin skin or uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles
you suffer from hyperpigmentation or acne scars
If, however, full facial skin resurfacing is required, then PRP injections alone won’t generally be the best option
PRP Treatment
Preparation of PRP:
PRP therapy is an easy & safe method to rejuvenate your skin. Firstly a collection needle is inserted into a vein in the arm and the required amount (between 15 to 50 millilitres) of your blood is collected, and then captured in a small vial and using a centrifugate it’s separated into solid and liquid parts: platelet-poor plasma (PPP), Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and red blood cells or simply the plasma from the RBCs and WBCs. Regular blood contains about 200,000 platelets per millilitre, while platelet-rich plasma contains as much as five times more of that amount. So in this way, three to seven millilitres of platelet-rich plasma will be collected in a syringe, to be administered immediately. Calcium Chloride or any other activator is added to the PRP to create a thicker and longer-lasting platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM).
Injecting the serum into the patient’s face:
For this non-surgical cosmetic treatment, a topical cream may be applied to the patient's face to numb the area. After 30 minutes the final syringe of platelet-rich plasma will be mixed with Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers (like Restylane or Juvederm) is injected in the desired areas of the face to fill out wrinkles and fine lines to provide a healthier & more youthful appearance.
Do PRP injections hurt?
Mild discomfort is expected during the treatment. Since it involves drawing out blood and multiple needle pricks at the treatment areas of your skin, it may seem uncomfortable and scary but a numbing cream can be used before the procedure to make sure there is less discomfort.
Risk And Complications:
PRP is minimally invasive with almost no risk of allergic reaction because this therapy uses the patient’s own blood plasma to treat signs of ageing. So it can be used to treat nearly any area of the body without many risks/side-effects. Most common side effects are bruises and inflammation, including swelling and redness. They appear immediately after the procedure and clear within four days or so. There is a very small chance of infection, and allergic reactions are rare.
Downtime and recovery :
Recovery for this procedure is relatively minimal. You can go back to work the next day after the procedure. If you still experience some redness and inflammation then don't apply heavy makeup or other fragranced and chemical-laden/harsh skin products. Your doctor may suggest or provide some other products to assist your skin recovery. You’ll want to avoid alcohol-based products and exfoliants during the recovery stage. Proper sun protection is also very important. Until your skin has completely healed, avoid vigorous activities (running, playing tennis, and heavy workouts) that might cause excessive sweating and heat production.
PRP therapy is a particularly safe skin rejuvenation treatment option with no risk of hypersensitivity or other allergic reaction as it is done by using your own blood. The timeframe for experiencing results relies upon the size and number of treated areas. Some patients may only need one treatment. But usually, 3 sessions each at a 4-week interval is recommended. After the initial treatments, it is suggested to repeat once a year for the maintenance of skin and yearly rejuvenation. Results usually last about 6 to 9 months and are exclusive to the individual ageing process.
Treating patients with their own body elements is revolutionary and quite likely just the beginning of these kinds of treatment. Further analysis and research will occur and therefore the use of these types of treatments will continue as long as they show to be effective.